Facilitator Training

Certified stress SA facilitators are trained to teach these easy anxiety and stress management techniques, with people of all ages and walks of life. Our aim is to bring stressSA to the masses, helping as many people as possible manage their anxiety and stress levels. Imagine a South Africa with less chronic stress – you can help us to turn that vision into a reality.

Our training sessions comprise of 3 training weekends with self study periods in between.

Module 1 (Weekend 1)

Learn MST to manage your own stress & anxiety. This is a stand-alone workshop and is compulsory to certify as a stressSA Facilitator.

After completing the 1st weekend module you will proceed with several weeks of self study, practising MST and completing our self-reflection forms.

Module 2 (Weekend 2)

The 2nd module entails an assessment of competency gained in using the MST techniques over the weeks of self study.

After completion of the 2nd weekend module you will continue with self study as a trainee stressSA Facilitator, facilitating 2 volunteer clients through the MST programme.

Module 3 (Weekend 3)

During module 3 you will receive your final assessment and certification.