About Stress South Africa
We all suffer from some form of stress or anxiety. In fact, your stress causes your anxiety. By following easy moving and shaking techniques, stressSA shows you how to manage your anxiety and stress at home. By using your breath, easy movements and gentle stretching, you can unlock your body’s natural ability to shake off excess anxiety and stress.
Do you worry about money or the future? Are you under pressure at work or home? Are there big changes coming up in your life? There are a million and one things that might cause stress and anxiety, from everyday irritations like traffic to more serious, long-term trauma. While they affect us all, your stress and anxiety are unique – as are the effects they have on your health and wellbeing. Stress and anxiety may have negative effects on your personal, social and professional relationships, as well as your physical health.
Just as we all experience feelings of worry or unease, almost anyone can do the easy MST techniques (Moving Shaking & Tapping) to manage their anxiety and stress. In doing this we learn to become comfortable with all our emotions. Everyone can benefit from the soothing effects of moving and shaking, from the elderly to new parents.
MST is based on the easy movements of Brain Gym® exercises developed by Dr Paul Dennison. The shaking is based on Dr David Berceli’s tension and trauma releasing process while Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, was pioneered by Gary Craig. The combination of these highly beneficial techniques makes MST one of the easiest, quickest and accessible ways to manage your anxiety and stress today.
Our MST video demos will show you how easily you can do MST at home. You can also join our vision of bringing MST to diverse communities by becoming a trained stressSA Facilitator and helping individuals or groups from all socio-economical backgrounds manage their anxiety and stress.